Diaverum Farrer Park
Мы открыты с 07:00 - 22:00
Смотрите дни и часы работыАДРЕС
1 Farrer Park Station Road,
#10-01/02/03, Farrer Park Medical Centre, Connexion,
217562 Singapore,
Как добраться до клиники
Возле клиники
Diaverum Farrer Park, previously known as ARCA (Farrer Park) Dialysis commenced operations within the Farrer Park Hospital's Medical Centre in 2015. The facility provides a full suite of Dialysis services, ranging from outpatient and inpatient HemoDialysis, to CRRT and Liver Dialysis. The facility operates 10 stations, offering both Chairs and Beds options. Both HD and HDF treatments are available for outpatients. For patient comfort, the Dialysis Centre is equipped with TVs and complimentary Wi-Fi. You will be served light refreshment while on dialysis. However, you are free to bring your own snack.
Diaverum Farrer Park is conveniently located in the Central region and easily accessible via various transport options. The Dialysis Centre operated from 07:00 to 22:00 hours on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays and 07:00 to 18:00 hours on Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays, closed on Sundays.
Дни и часы работы
Понедельник, Среда, Пятница |
— 22:00
Вторник, Четверг, Суббота |
— 18:00
Гемодиализ |
да |
Перитонеальный диализ |
Нет |
да |
Трансплантация почки/ почка для пересадки |
Нет |
Пациенты с ВИЧ |
Нет |
Пациенты с гепатитом В |
да |
Пациенты с гепатитом С |
Нет |
Диализные аппараты |
16 |
Питание |
да |
Телевизионные экраны |
да |
Бесплатный Wi-Fi |
да |
Бесплатный трансфер |
Нет |
Бесплатная парковка |
Нет |
Команда клиники
Manzula Paramasivan |
Cluster Head Nurse |
Dr. Loh Ping Tyug |
Medical Director (Nephrologist) |